Who We Are

Therapist and Clinic Founder
Ayasha Mayr Handel MSW RSW
I am an unapologetic queer autistic parent and trauma therapist. My work embodies a joyful approach to autistic being, learning and healing. I am actively engaged in autistic collaboration, knowledge and cultural production, and my own creative practice is focused on visual and textile arts, and most recently sound production. I founded Joyful Resistance to create non-violent, culturally competent options for autistic/ND individuals and families seeking disability justice based healing support led by and for our community.
I hold a Master of Social Work and Gender Studies (University of Toronto) and have completed clinical training in somatic, mindfulness and trauma treatment approaches including Sensorimotor Psychotherapy (level 2). Previously I served as a public sector policy and change leader with the Ontario government where I led numerous sector and government wide initiatives to improve public service equity and access. This includes expanding access to OHIP funded (trans)gender surgeries in Ontario [beyond CAMH]; advancing child and youth development research, policy and programs, and implementing a Health Equity Impact Assessment (HEIA) framework across the Ontario health system.
This work, along with my own experience navigating life in ND family, showed me the urgent need for radical change in the supports and services available to autistic/ND communities. Too many services are causing harm, and too little community support is available outside of service systems. It is imperative that we create community and healing infrastructure that is by us and for us. I created Joyful Resistance with this aim. Join me in transforming our worlds!
Therapy Dogs

I am a large and gentle old soul with a gift for attunement and empathic communication. I am a certified Canine Good Neighbour (Canadian Kennel Club) and have previously volunteered as a Therapy Dog with St. John Ambulance in both long-term care and in-patient mental health settings.

I am a tiny, exuberant and playful young dog. I enjoy fetch, chase and tug games, including hide and go seek with my best cat friends. I love learning new things and I’m working toward my Canine Good Neighbour certification (Canadian Kennel Club). I enjoy meeting new people and get so excited when I say hello!